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Category: Divorce

Considerations for Postnuptial and Prenuptial Agreements

An Indiana divorce can drain you of energy, emotion and dollars. Two potential ways to prevent or lessen those losses are prenuptial and postnuptial agreement, drafted by a family lawyer. They are agreements made between the parties either before (prenuptial) or after (postnuptial) they’re married These agreements can spell out how various issues (but not child custody or support) will be resolved in case the parties end their marriage. Without one of these agreements, under Indiana law all property brought into a marriage or acquired during it is joined together and will be subject to division in a divorce. Under Kentucky law, property is deemed marital or nonmarital. The division of p ...

Older and Wiser: More Americans 50 and Older are Ending Bad Marriages and Starting New Lives

With age and experience should come wisdom. Sometimes that wisdom results in the decision to end a non-functional Indiana marriage and start a new and better life. The Pew Research Center reports that although divorce is less common for younger adults, “gray divorce” is increasing in the U.S. The divorce rate for those fifty and older has roughly doubled, and for those 65 and older that rate has about tripled, since the 1990’s. The divorce rate is not uniform across age groups. In 2015, 21 adults aged 40 to 49 divorced per 1,000 married persons in that age range, up slightly from 18 in 1990. The divorce rate for those 25 to 39 decreased from 30 persons per 1,000 married pers ...

Indiana Divorce: It’s Not Community Property

Learn More about Equitable Property Distribution Featured Snippet: Learn how your marital assets, debts, and financial duties will be distributed if you get divorced in Indiana. The general rule is justice and equity as opposed to community property practices. There are cou ...